What is anything?
Making all this was hard... but a fun kind of hard, where it feels like an accomplishment every time you learn what something does. If you look up, you can see I learned how to line break just now.
Is this how people felt in the 90s? They didn't have HTML5, but they had HTML4 and a dream. And dial-up internet that screamed at you. Actually, that's something I've been thinking about recently.
In the year 2000, most people had dial-up internet with computers that took 5 minutes to load a jpeg, and phones that looked like pagers turned sideways. Now fast forward just ten years later in 2010, and we had (and still have)
blazing fast wi-fi internet, smartphones that functioned as their own little computers, and phone bills that are somehow just as expensive. For someone growing up in that time period, it was like watching a timelapse of a city being built.
Anyway, this web design thing is pretty fun once you get the hang of it.