I'm running out of quips to describe how long of a time between posts there is. Okay, new year's resolution: more blogging. And drinking. Look, I'll tell you why.
I know how this sounds, but I've found my best ideas to come to me when I'm under the influence. Not to say I'm not a good brainstormer when I'm sober, but I like writing down whatever comes to mind (no matter how crazy or out there it is), and as you can imagine this gets amp'd up when I've been drinking. Of course drawing anything is kind of off the table, but I'm usually conscious enough to correct the typos I inevitably make. I save the drawing for when I actually am sober. Now despite you probably believing this to be a tangent I went off on, this process is relevant to the creation of SOULxSKATER, my upcoming web novel I mentioned in previous posts. It's coming along, independent of any alcohol consumption believe it or not.
Who you're seeing up there is the star of the show: Akari Takasaki, a 20-year-old Japanese girl fresh off the boat (or plane, I guess) from Sendai wanting to make a name for herself in the world of skateboarding in America. The language barrier won't be much of an issue for her, fortunately (though she still has trouble sometimes); she learned English from her dad, who lived in California from the late 80s to the late 90s. The story takes place right at the start of summer in 2024, in June, and goes to around February-March of the following year. She'll meet fellow skaters and other extreme sports athletes like BMXers and bladers, discover things she never knew she had in her, and eventually make her mark on the city of Port Markona. If you like ensemble casts, this'll be something you don't wanna miss.
I won't tell you much else here, because I'm actually putting up Chapter 1 here fairly soon. I'm releasing this story incrementally by chapter with no real schedule, but I'll try to get at least one chapter out bi-weekly. I've got the first three done, but I want to have at least 4 or 5 completed before I put the first one out so I can at least warm up to the semi-schedule. Mind you I'm doing this because I want to, not because I have to, so no promises blahblah you get it by now. I'll try and be better about this even with life getting in the way... especially if people end up actually wanting to read it.